Faith Angle brings together top scholars and leading journalists for smart conversations around some of the most profound questions in the public square. Rather than a current-events debrief, our goal is a substantive conversation one notch beneath the surface, drawing out how religious convictions manifest themselves in American culture and public life.

Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Christian Smith and Will Saletan: The Belief Question
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
In this episode of Faith Angle, we're joined by Notre Dame's Christian Smith and Slate's Will Saletan to discuss Dr. Smith's newest book, Atheist Overreach
Links from this episode:
Christian Smith, University of Notre Dame
Atheist Overreach: What Atheism Can't Deliver
Three Decades Ago, America Lost Its Religion. Why?

Monday Sep 23, 2019
Nadine Epstein and Michelle Boorstein: The Enduring Legacy of Elie Wiesel
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Monday Sep 23, 2019
In this of Faith Angle, we take a look at the life and legacy of Elie Wiesel with Nadine Epstein and Michelle Boorstein.
Links from this episode:

Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Brad Wilcox and Eugene Scott: Marriage Matters in the Age of Trump
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
In the latest episode of Faith Angle, we take a look at the changing nature of marriage in America with Eugene Scott and Brad Wilcox. Eugene covers identity politics for the Washington Post's The Fix, and Brad is Director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia, Professor of Sociology at the University of Virginia, Visiting Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, and a Senior Fellow at the Institute for Family Studies.
Brad, Eugene, and Josh Good discuss trends around marriage in the current political climate; how factors like class and race affect the health of marriages; economics and the importance of gainful employment (especially for men); the connection between marriage and economic mobility; the effects of delayed marriage among young people, and much more.
Links from this episode:
Eugene Scott, Washington Post
Brad Wilcox, National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia
How Divorce Lost Its Groove
Don’t be a bachelor: Why married men work harder, smarter and make more money

Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Mike McCurry and Karen Tumulty: Of God and Presidents
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Former Clinton White House Press Secretary—and now Wesley Seminary professor—Mike McCurry sits down with Washington Post Columnist Karen Tumulty, and Faith Angle's Josh Good, to discuss the faith journeys of the Clintons and Reagans; transformations in journalism; and new opportunities for congregations to directly engage the deep divide in America's political culture.
Links from this episode:
A private letter from Ronald Reagan to his dying father-in-law shows the president’s faith, Karen Tumulty, Washington Post, 09/14/18
Former Clinton spokesman Mike McCurry finds his faith, marries it with politics, Michelle Boorstein, Washington Post, 02/22/14
How My Party Found God, Mike McCurry, The Daily Beast, 07/14/17

Friday Jul 19, 2019
Naomi Schaefer Riley and Jedd Medefind: On Foster Care—and Parenting
Friday Jul 19, 2019
Friday Jul 19, 2019

Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
David Brooks and Anne Snyder: The Power of Vulnerability
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
On the latest episode of Faith Angle, we're joined by New York Times op-ed columnist David Brooks and Comment Magazine editor-in-chief Anne Snyder to discuss the new books they've each published, their respective approaches to writing, their own marriage and faith journey, and how to cultivate communities rooted in trust that lead to individual and social transformation.
Links from today's episode:
The Second Mountain: The Quest for a Moral Life, David Brooks, 4/16/19
Evening Conversation with David Brooks at The Trinity Forum, 5/29/19
David Brooks' Journey Toward Faith, Peter Wehner, The Atlantic, 5/7/19
David Brooks on Weave: The Social Fabric Project, The Aspen Institute, 9/19/18
Why I Write, George Orwell, 1946
The Death of Politics: How to Heal Our Frayed Republic After Trump, Peter Wehner, 6/4/19
The Magnanimous Man: In Remembrance of Michael Cromartie, Anne Snyder, Public Discourse, 9/7/17
Michael Cromartie introduction of David Brooks, The Gathering, 10/2/14
Anne’s email to David, p. 239 of The Second Mountain: "I want to reiterate that yes, grace is the central thing Christ offers, but that is the doorway. And it is to know him. I see lots of emphasis on striving in your note, and I appreciate its antidote to cheap grace. But the foundational fact is you cannot earn your way into a state of grace - this denies grace's power, and subverts its very definition. Grace must reach out to the broken and the undeserving. It must reach out to those recognizing plainly, vulnerably, their own need and emptiness. It can only find welcome in those sitting still.

Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Shadi Hamid and Sarah Wildman: Theology and Politics of Islam
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
We're joined this week by Dr. Shadi Hamid and Sarah Wildman to discuss the resurgent role of global Islam, the relationship between nationalist populism and Muslims, Sharia law in the Middle East, the role of religion in Western democracies, and the enduring question of how deep religious convictions can align with more lasting expressions of public pluralism
Links from today's episode:
Islamic Exceptionalism: How the Struggle Over Islam Is Reshaping the World, Shadi Hamid, 6/6/17
Islam in Modern American Society, Shadi Hamid's 2018 address at Faith Angle
Religious Conflict and the Future of the Middle East - Shadi Hamid's 2014 address at Faith Angle
Left Populism and the Rediscovery of Agonistic Politics, Shadi Hamid, American Affairs, Winter 2018
Making Sense, Sam Harris's podcast, with Shadi Hamid, on Islamism vs. Secularism, 12/5/16

Tuesday Jun 18, 2019

Tuesday May 21, 2019
Tuesday May 21, 2019
This week on the Faith Angle Podcast, we are joined by Stanley Carlson-Thies and Kelsey Dallas.
- Latter-day Saint leaders call for 'fairness for all' while opposing the Equality Act
- A Better Way than the Equality Act
- Nondiscrimination for All
- Health and Human Services and the Religious-Liberty War
- An Open Letter to Congress From Religious Leaders
- H.R.5 – Equality Act
Follow us | faithangle.org

Thursday May 16, 2019
Pascal Emmanuel-Gobry: From Paris with (Populist) Love
Thursday May 16, 2019
Thursday May 16, 2019
In this episode, we sit down with a Paris-based journalist, Pascal Emmanuel-Gobry, who provides insights on the changing role of religion in Europe. Amidst the rise in immigration and growing populism across the continent, is there a pluralist vision large enough to introduce healthy constraints and advance human flourishing between discrete communities? In advance of a November Faith Angle Forum, Pascal offers his best thinking.